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What You Plant, Is What You Harvest


Letter From the Pastor

Luke 6:38 (CEB) Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion—packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing—will fall into your lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in return.”


What You Plant, Is What You Harvest

Summary: Consecration means to dedicate to God. Consecration Sunday is our annual time to dedicate our time, treasure, and talent to God.


My friend Stephanie read Malachi 3:10. The scripture is about giving to God’s house. God promises that we cannot outgive God. God invites the people to "test" God by faithfully giving, promising that God will bless them abundantly in response. When Stephanie read that, she felt the Holy Spirit challenged her to a game. The Holy Spirit prompted her to test God about giving, to try to outgive God. So, she decided to give it a try. She gave $10 at the grocery store to a charity for foster children. In the parking lot, right by her car was $20 on the ground. There was no one around to ask if it was theirs. Stephanie said, “huh, that’s funny God.” Then on her way home, there was a man panhandling so she decided she would give the $20 to him. “Let’s see what you do now, God.” The next day, Stephanie received a check for $50. She knew it was God. “Wow, you are tricky God, are you really outgiving me?” She decided to give God more than she could afford to give. The next Sunday she went to church and gave the church $1000. The next week she received an annual raise for $10,000. And she was blown away she could not believe that God had given her 10 times more than what she had given God. It became a running joke and so she started to give more and more. She started noticing God provided for all her needs. You cannot outgive God. 


 This is the spiritual principle of stewardship. Christians are asked to be stewards of what they have, recognizing that all gifts come from God, and in turn, God provides for all their needs. The act of giving becomes an act of trusting God. The return from God isn't always tangible or immediate, but it often comes through a deeper sense of fulfillment, peace, and purpose. The underlying message is that we cannot outgive God, who is the source of all good things.


This year’s stewardship theme is Harvesting Hope. Last year our theme was Grow Hope. In the 2023/24 year we signed sales papers for the undeveloped land. We have a strategic plan for 25% growth. We hired a new Director of Music. We have two seminarians and are training up the next generation of seminarians. All of this is planting for the future. We planted hope and now the year of 2025 we will harvest what we planted. St. Augustine creates hope. When you plant hope, you harvest hope. When you plant a seed, you harvest the fruit.


This Sunday is Consecration Sunday.  It is the Sunday of the year where we collect the pledge cards. Then the priest blesses the pledge cards. Consecration means to declare something sacred and holy. Not only are we blessing the pledge for the year, but, by presenting your pledge card to God you are symbolically giving all your work, income, and resources to God. It is a spiritual dedication of yourself to the service and worship of God. It is also a reminder that all the offerings you give to St. Augustine is to go towards a holy and higher purpose. This means that the offering of your time, talent, and treasure is not taken lightly but is rightly honored by the Church and God. And God will give you back your gifts abundantly.  


Let us plant and harvest God’s bounty,

Pastor Anny+   

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