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Giving is Worship


Letter From the Pastor


Leviticus 27:30 (CEV) Ten percent of everything you harvest is holy and belongs

to the Lord.

Giving is Worship

Summary: The Offertory is rich in symbolism, uniting the congregation with God and one another as they support the church and its mission.


Each week in our church, we engage in a sacred ceremony of dedication within the Eucharist, offering a commemoration of our time, talents, and treasures. This ceremony is called the Offertory. This Offertory is a symbolic act, honoring our connection to God and reflecting our commitment to His work through our church.


This ceremony begins with preparation. We open our hearts, acknowledging and confessing our self-centeredness, and then receive the blessing of God’s forgiveness. With a renewed sense of peace, the priest invites us to give ourselves to God with words like, "Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God" (Ephesians 5:2). As a hymn fills the sanctuary, creating a reflective atmosphere, ushers pass the offering plates through the congregation, collecting our tithes, offerings, and gifts.


Once collected, these offerings are brought forward to the altar and presented to the priest, who lifts them up with a prayer of blessing. Each week, I bless the offering with a simple, heartfelt prayer:

1.    Thanksgiving – I thank God for providing abundantly for us.

2.    Multiplication – I ask God to multiply the offerings given.

3.    Integrity – I pray that every penny will be used faithfully for God’s kingdom.


Together, we then sing the Doxology—a hymn of praise and thanksgiving that acknowledges God as the source of all blessings. This song carries our collective gratitude to God and transitions the service to the Liturgy of the Table (the Eucharist).


The Offertory is indeed a powerful moment in worship, rich with symbolism that reminds us that all we have comes from God and that giving is a sacred act of returning to Him with grateful hearts.


Thank you for participating in this sacred act of worship. I also want to express deep gratitude to those who have made a pledge for the coming year. Your commitment is an outward sign of your faith and dedication to our church’s mission. With your support, we can continue to grow, serve, and share God's love with our community. For those who have yet to pledge, please know that it is never too late. You may submit your pledge card in the weekly offering, where it will be blessed alongside all other offerings.


Together, as one body, we work toward the mission of our church.


With gratitude,

Pastor Anny+  

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