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Freedom Is Becoming Your True Self


Romans 12:2 (CEB) Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature.

Summary: The more you know yourself the more you can know God.

As we approach our nation’s Independence Day, I am reminded of freedom. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines freedom as restraint from the power of another. The desire for freedom is one of the core desires of the human heart. Every person longs to become a fully realized self. We long to discover our unique gifts and contribute them to the world in a way that feels authentic. This longing is a holy desire! God created each person unique with individual gifts.

I have discovered that the more I become myself and allow myself to authentically live, the more I have come to know God. In my life, it has almost a 1:1 ratio. When I allow myself to become my authentic self, my spiritual eyes open more. One of the greatest gifts of my life is my insistent longing to be myself. For example, I was told I should not be a pastor because I was a woman, but I knew that was who I was meant to be.

The opposite seems to be true also. The more I hide myself and conform to cultural demands the more I lose my spiritual eyes. When I shape myself to media portrayals the result is feeling cut off from God. When I succumbed to pressure the results were disastrous: my motivation stopped and eventually depression set in. Thus, personally, spiritual health means I strive to be myself.

The spiritual principle of being one’s true self is true for every person. Each person needs to wrestle with their authentic self. You were created in the image of God; part of your spiritual work is to discover your God ordained self. The more you discover your God ordained self the freer you become spiritually.

May you be free to be you,

Pastor Anny+

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