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Commonly Asked Questions


Letter From the Pastor


Commonly Asked Questions


In our series on “Commonly Asked Questions,” I try to answer questions about St. Augustine, The Episcopal Church, and Christianity. The purpose is to teach you about our faith’s rich history and traditions and answer some burning questions. If you have any questions about why we do certain things, please let me know.


May you know the riches Christ entrusted to us,


Pastor Anny+


As we enter our Fall Stewardship Season, these are commonly asked questions about pledging.


What is a pledge?


Every year the Vestry creates a budget to use our money wisely and strategically for the coming year. St. Augustine operates on donations. We live out our mission with your donations. Pledges allow us to project the budget for the coming year. So, each year we ask our people to prayerfully consider their pledge for the operating budget of St. Augustine. A pledge is an estimate of how much you will give for the coming year. Your donations go towards maintaining programs, growing programs, paying clergy and staff salary, musicians, evangelism, maintaining the building, and many other ministry efforts. Your pledges allow us to dream and make plans about priorities and possibilities. It does not matter how much you pledge. That is between you and God, but we ask you to estimate what you plan to give so we know what we can expect.


Do We Need to Pledge? Why Can’t We Rely on the Weekly Offering Plate?


Pledging allows us to forecast our budget for the next year. The most important source of funding for our church comes from pledges. The offering plate makes up about 10% of our budget. The bulk of our budget is made up from our pledges.


What is meant by the “plate”?


We use the term “plate” to mean any donation we receive that is not committed through a pledge. That includes money in the Sunday offering plate and money given online.



I’m New to this Church. Am I Supposed to Pledge?


If you consider St. Augustine Episcopal Church your spiritual home, then we ask that you pledge. Remember when you pledge, you are committing to participating in God’s mission in this place and time. It makes your relationship with Christ and your participation with God’s mission real and concrete. It is another step in your commitment to serve God. It will help you to feel closer to Christ and to our church. You may also find that your faith will grow and your trust in God deepen.


How Much Should I Pledge?


Every pledge matters regardless of the amount. The average pledge is $5200 or about $100 week. However, every person or family needs to make the decision for themselves. It is not about the amount, but rather you being faithful to God in your life. Start with prayer and reflect on the blessings in your life. Consider the amount that is both responsible and faithful. One way to determine your pledge is to give a percentage of your income. A tithe (10% of your income) is the standard for Christian giving. However, if that feels too daunting, start with 2% and build up to a greater percentage each year.


How Do I Pledge?


You will find a pledge card at the sanctuary entrance at St. Augustine. The ushers will make sure the pledge cards are available on Sunday mornings. Fill out this card and return it to the church by October 13th which is Consecration Sunday.


What is Consecration Sunday?


Every year St. Augustine has Consecration Sunday. It is the Sunday of the year where we collect the pledge cards. Then the priest blesses the pledge cards. Consecration means to declare something sacred and holy. Not only are we blessing the pledge for the year, but, by presenting your pledge card to God you are symbolically giving all your work, income, and resources to God. It is a spiritual dedication of yourself to the service and worship of God. It is also a reminder that all your offerings you give to St. Augustine is to go towards a holy and higher purpose. The means that your offering of your time, talent, and treasure is not taken lightly but is rightly honored by the church.


What Happens If I Can Not Complete My Pledge?

If your financial situation changes in the coming year, just let us know and we can adjust your pledge at any time. No need for explanations, simply let us know. If you move and do not attend St. Augustine any longer, you may either continue to pay your pledge for the year or you may discontinue your pledge. If you plan to discontinue your pledge, could you please let us know. It helps to know for our records.


Thank you for your support of God’s mission and ministry through St. Augustine Episcopal Church.

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